Brandt Lewis carries a wealth of experience in the realm of advertising, bringing a blend of big brand thinking and craft expertise to his projects. His off-kilter sense of humor is anchored with earnest heart, showing how human truths can be inherently funny. Before directing, Brandt earned his stripes as a copywriter at some of the advertising industry’s top agencies, including Deutsch, Crispin Porter + Bogusky, 72andSunny and Wieden+Kennedy.
His love for big ideas and storytelling began during his youth, growing up in New Mexico. Despite lacking a camera, Brandt found creative outlets through drawing and painting, using every medium available to tell his stories. His art and storytelling drew him into the world of advertising.
Brandt firmly believes in the transformative power of great ideas and humor, recognizing the untapped comedic potential within every brand's narrative. His unique strength lies in casting and working with talent, extracting comedic performances that stay with us. This extraordinary gift allows him to tap into the awkward truths that connect us all and he continues to see a slew of clients from Mischief and Leo Burnett to SNICKERS and Fruit of the Loom coming back to work with him.