Aaron Ruell Talks With Shots Magazine About Bringing Dynamite To Lockdown

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Aaron Ruell Talks With Shots Magazine About Bringing Dynamite To Lockdown

Shots Magazine

by Jamie Madge

April 30th, 2020

Covid lockdown is seeing celebrities from around the globe sharing their skills with us via webcam – be it exercise, recipes or just a good ol’ singalong.

However, one man out there is uniquely placed to offer up some real insight into what it takes to isolate, given that he has spent most of his life in a self-imposed isolation with only his madcap Grandma and leftfield brother for company. That man is Kip Dynamite.

One of the many highlights of 2004’s cult smash Napoleon Dynamite, Kip, played by Sanctuary director Aaron Ruell.

Shots loved the accuracy and charm of the revisit, so they caught up with Ruell to see how it all came about.

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